Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Disc Jockey

what the job is
Disc jockey (DJs) introduce songs on the radio. they may also decide what music to play.While on the air, they comment on the music, weather, and traffic. Djs also announce and play music at clubs, dances, restaurants, and weddings. Some disc jockeys specialize in only one kind of music.

The skills you need
DJs need a pleasant and well-controlled voice, good timing, excellent pronunciation, and a strong grasp of correct grammar. additionally, DJs should be able to speak off the cuff and to work under tight deadlines. the most successful announcers have a pleasing personality and voice with a likable style.

The Training You Should Have
Formal training in broadcasting form a college or technicial school is valuable. Courses in English, public speaking, drama, and computer science are useful, Hobbies such as sports and music are also helpful.

The Salary You Can Expect
Salaries vary widely from $7,000 to $100,000+, depanding on experience and market.


A guide to reality TV

reality television programs are growing in popularity. there are many different types but all of them have one thing in common-they make ordinary people famous, if only for a few days. here is a sample of some of the most popular shows.

Big Brother
this populer program originated in the netherlands. many different countries have adapted the program. on big brother, ten people live in a house together. the housemates cannot contact the outside world. there is no TV, radio, telephone, the internet, newspapers, or any other forms of media. The contestants have to share the housework. In addition, "big brother" gives them a special job or task every week. these tasks test their ability to work as a team. in most countries, the audience votes to eliminate one of the competitors each week. In the united states, however, the contestants vote, but the public doesn't.

Fear factor
on this program, contestant "face their fears" to win money. in order to win, they have to do many things to test their courage. For example, they often have to eat live worms and other small animals such as insects. IN addition, their bodies may be covered with bees or they may be asked to get inside a box full of snakes. there are many different types of fear factor teams. Some of the teams consists of female competitors; other teams are made up of siblings. There have even been parent and child teams. The producers of fear factor say that all stunts have been tested. Indeed, no one has been injured yet.

one very populer reality show is survivor. on this program, 16 people compete for $1,000,000. They must live outside and cook their own food. they often have to catch it as well. In addition, the competitors must perform different kinds of physical tests. every week the competitors vote out  one member of their group. The producers say that the competition depends on the competitors ability to survive in the wilderness. however, understanding politics is actually the most important skill. successful players must be able to make agreements with other players. if they cannot do this, the other competitors will eliminate them. when only two  people are left, the previously eliminated contestants vote to give one of thee finalists $1,000,000.

Temptation Island
Temptation Island takes four couples to a tropical island. The couples are not married, but they have serious relationships. on the island, the couples are separated. the four women stay with 13 handsome bachelors. The four men stay with a group of beautiful single women. the single men and women are supposed to tempt the members of each couple to leave their mates. If a single person can convince  a men or women to leave his or her mate, he or she wins. many religious organizations are upset about this show. they say that it is immoral because it is about sex, not realitionships. A television executive defends the show. He says that it help couples learn about themselves.


penipuan sms

belakangan ini marak sms tentang penipuan berlatar belakang salah satu anggota keluarga kita sedang berada dalam masalah atau lebih tepatnya sedang di kantor polisi, dan orang yang dikirim sms ini harus mentransfer pulsa ke sang pengirim atau ke nomor yang telah mereka siapkan.kekurangan dari sms ini biasanya tidak menyertakan nama pengirim, hanya menggunakan sebutan seperti dari mama, papa dll. untuk orang awam mereka mungkin saja percaya dengan sms ini dan tanpa berpikir panjang menuruti perintah sang pengirim sms.sasaran sms ini adalah semua kalangan. kemungkinan besar pengirim sms ini adalah orang yang mengetahui nomer hand phone kita, atau pengirim sms tau nomer anda pada saat membeli pulsa elektrik di coenter hp. contoh sms :

*dari : +6281935332167
 tolong belikan dulu mama pulsa AS 20rb penting, di nomor barunya mama, yang ini 08539629099 sekarang,karna mama lagi ada masalah di kantor polisi.

sms diatas adalah sms yang pernah saya dapat, banyak keanehan dari sms ini
1. kedua nomer telpon diatas ketika  di telpon tidak ada yang menjawab
2. kalaupun mama saya berada di kantor polisi, pasti pihak dari kepolisian yang akan menelpon
3. ketika di jawab "masalahya apa?" tidak ada jawaban

pesan saya kepada para pengirim sms ini :
kalau mau menipu seseorang jangan pake cara yang kampungan , dan kalau mau mengirim sms seperti ini pikirkan dulu, mamanya ada disekitarnya atau tidak. pikirkan dulu apakah orang yang akan anda kirim sms seperti ini lebih pintar dari pada anda atau tidak. dan yang paling penting pastikan si korban bukan anggota kepolisian.


selain sms penipuan dengan motif di atas, ada lagi sms yang menawarkan kita untuk menjadi seorang agen pulsa dengan keuntungan yang besar dan modal kecil, biasanya sms ini berasal dari nomer biasa bukan dari provider. cara ini lebih ampuh untuk menipu seseorang apalagi jika korbannya adalah orang awam. setelah di survei ternyata saat kita menerima tawaran dari sms ini kita disuruh untuk mentransfer uang ke nomor rekening pengirim. banyak korban yang sudah ditipu, biasanya setelah mereka dapat kiriman pulsa, pulsa tersebut hanya bisa dipakai untuk beberapa transaksi dan setelah itu mereka harus mentransfer uang lagi ke nomer rekening pengirim. pulsa yang diterima tidak sebanding dengan uang yang di transfer ke rekening pengirim. misalnya kita mentransfer uang 300.000 tetapi hanya bisa dipakai untuk pengiriman pulsa 20.000 sebanyak lima kali. contoh sms :

Dari : +6287777707564
kesempatan menjadi agen pulsa/ ALL operator MIKOS, harga murah;
ketik DAFTAR  kirim ke 087777796779

#asli tanpa copy paste